The day of a farm wife

I’ve always said we live on a farm, not a ranch, despite the horses and donkeys. The majority of our energy goes to taking care of the chickens, goats, rabbits, a turtle, and the dog. I step out my back door to toss out potato peelings and crushed egg shells and it looks like a scene from “The Birds”. Instead of crows we have a large flock of Rhode Island Reds and Domineckers (hmm probably don’t have that last one right, but that’s what my husband calls them).

If you have to be wary of poop out the back door I think it’s more a farm.
Anyways! Yesterday I felt I had a day of accomplishment. I started the day making costumes for the church play this weekend. That may not sound like farm stuff, but my sewing machine had a workout rather than buying costumes. Then I gave my husband and son haircuts. Next I finished cutting all the squares I need for the quilt project I’m working on. This is my first foray into quilting and I can chalk it up to learning a new skill and repurposing out grows and fabric scraps. Oh! By this point I’ve cooked two meals. Next we harvested and plucked 4 roosters that were giving our big boy hassles. We rotated some of the “harem hens” to see if we have another good setter. By this point it was dark so we cleaned all the plucking area to try to not entice the raccoons (blasted things keep avoiding the traps and getting into the trash).
Once we moved into the house I did a good scrubbing of my arms up to the shoulder (no time for a shower, yet). Next I cooked dinner, put away dishes and cleaned those in the sink, and quarter the chickens. Did I mention I did all 3 of those at the same time? Or that I sliced my finger pretty good in the process? I set up plates for the kids and let my husband and a visiting friend that dinner was ready and jumped in the shower (half of that was cold after doing those dishes). Finally, I sat down to eat. Then bathed the kids.
Today I am canning those chickens, and starting to piece together the quilts.
Some people don’t seem to realize how much work goes into those “free eggs and meat”.
Lest you think I’m complaining, I’m not. I’m bragging. I feel a definite feeling of accomplishment. My 4 year old daughter ran up and told me I was the best Mommy ever. She also said the plucked chickens looked like rabbits. Now, let’s just see how today goes!

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